
Guest Speaker

From an Investment Analyst to a Startup Innovator in the PropTech


Ayumi Ode on 3/2/2024

The Japan Chapter of Columbia Venture Community (CVC) hosted a virtual session with Kosuke Kato, President and Investment Evangelist at WealthPark Lab. WealthPark is a global proptech startup in Ebisu, Tokyo and half of its employees are Non-Japanese nationalities that provides a digital asset management platform that connects investors and property managers of real-estate, and raised about 5.3 billion yen in total so far. While more than 100,000 real-estate owners use its app and service in Japan, WealthPark is one of the biggest property management companies for in-bound real-estate investment toward Japan. During this session, he shared with us his experience as an investment evangelist at WealthPark and the insights on the current state and future potential of PropTech in Japan. And he also discussed the fulfillment and real-work experiences of joining a startup as an MBA graduate, as well as the background and reasons behind his career change.

Topics to be covered:

・His career history, including his time pursuing an MBA, the background and reasons behind his career change, and his experience as an investment evangelist at WealthPark

・The factors that led him to join WealthPark and the company history

・The current state and future potential of PropTech in Japan

You can see the web-site of WealthPark Lab including many article about his activity as well as "note" blog in Japanese (since this year).

コロンビアベンチャーコミュニティ・ジャパンチャプター(CVC Japan)では、WealthPark 研究所の所長、投資のエバンジェリストである加藤 航介氏をお招きしてオンラインセッションを開催しました。WealthParkは、東京恵比寿に本社を置く、不動産オーナーと管理会社をつなぐ業務支援システムを提供する不動産テックのスタートアップで、累計53億円を調達済み、その社員の半数は日本人以外で構成されているグローバルな企業です。同社の提供するアプリやサービスは、日本で10万人を超える不動産オーナー(富裕層)に使用されており、またWealthParkは日本へのインバウンド不動産投資の管理会社として最大手です。本セッションでは、加藤氏の過去のキャリアやスタートアップへの転身の背景、「投資のエバンジェリスト」としての仕事内容、日本の不動産テックの未来などについてお話しいただきました。





以下のリンクより、加藤氏が運営するWealthPark Labのホームページ(多くの読み物が掲載されています)、また今年より開始された"note"ブログにアクセスできます。

Featured Speaker



⁠Kosuke Kato | President and Investment Evangelist, WealthPark Lab

Kosuke Kato has held a number of important positions in global major investment companies, including fund manager and investment enlightenment mentor. He is now based in Japan. He once lived in the U.K. and the U.S. for about 10 years and had investment experience in 30 countries around the world. With the conviction that “real-world experience is important, and you and the person you are advising are in the same boat,” he is highly experienced in individual asset management, including financial assets in both Japan and overseas as well as real estate (single-unit, multi-unit apartments, and overseas). He holds a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Columbia University. He is also a Certified Public Accountant, a Financial Planner, and the member of Securities Analysts Association of Japan’s “Securities Analyst (CMA). He is currently enrolled in the University of Cambridge Executive Program (GMCA) 2020–2021, and is a visiting scholar of The Investment Trusts Association, Japan.

加藤 航介 | プレジデント兼インベストメント・エバンジェリスト, WealthPark 研究所

日系・外資系の大手資産運用会社において、アナリスト、ファンドマネージャー、投資啓発などの要職を歴任。英国・米国に約10年滞在するなど世界3ヵ国に住み、30ヵ国以上を訪れての経済・投資調査を実施。米国コロンビア大学MBA(経営学修士)修了。米国公認会計士、ファイナンシャル・プランナー、証券アナリスト試験に合格(公益社団法人 日本証券アナリスト協会検定会員)。「実体験が大切、顧客とは同じ船に乗る」との考えから、個人資産の運用においても国内外の金融資産、不動産(一棟・区分・海外)、その他の投資資産への豊富な実経験を持つ。